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Gilly Gulbransen came to New Bedford from Scandanavia and joined Gundersen as a gaffer.  Starting in 1939, the company operated as Gunderson Glass Works for 13 years. Named for master glassblower Robert Gunderson, who became a new owner when the company was bought, products of the middle period are informally called Gunderson. Gunderson died in 1952.


One of the prized Pairpoint products of the Gunderson era
is the glass swan dish the company introduced. Made in a variety of sizes and colors, the Gunderson swan is notable
for its aesthetics.

In the 1980s The Pairpoint Glass Museum was housed in the Benjamin Rodman house. We were thrilled to find this 9.5 inch rosaria pedestal version of a 13 inch version that was on display at the museum when we visited.  

We were struck by its elgantly elongated chiseled beak.

The collection was moved to The New Bedford Whaling Museum.  Here is a link:

Gaffer (glassblower) Gilly Gulbransen at the Gundersen Glass Works,

Photo from The New Bedford Whaling Museum archives.

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